In-process gauging instruments for controlling grinding machines:
Model PKU26

The model PKU26 in-process gauging instrument is intended to be used for controlling the grinding process by using the information received from continuously measuring the diameter of the surface being machined.

The model PKU26 instrument is employed on internal grinders, including those that can grind components with high-edged rims.

Main Technical Data:

Principle of operation.: Inductive, contacting
Measuring method: Comparison with a Standard
Least division value of the scales on the display, mm.: 0,0005 (0,001) / 0,005 (0,01)
Reading range, mm.:
for least division value 0,0005 (0,001): 0,04 (0,08)
for least division value. 0,005 (0,01): 0,4 (0,8)
Number of operating commands: 5
Limit of permissible error for operating commands, mm.: 0,00015
Type of arresting device: Pneumatic, membrane
Maximum arresting movement of the instrument’s measuring arms, mm.: 15