Precision instruments for inspecting components of fuel equipment:
Model PR8

The model PR8 Instrument is intended to be used for measuring the diameter of an opening in the plunger’s bushing. The measurement is carried out along the whole length of the opening.

The instrument is furnished with one or more setting-ups in order to be able to measure specified standard size plunger bushings.

Main Technical Data:

Diameter range of checkable openings, mm.: From 16 up to 25
Maximum normalized length of the openings measurable section, mm.: 140
Principle of operation: Inductive, contacting
Measurement method: Comparison with a Standard
Reading discreteness, mm.: 0,0001
Indication range, mm.: from -0,2 up to +0,2
Number of sorting groups: 99
Main measurement error permissible limit, mm.: 0,0002